Release date: June 7, 2024
Standard vesion: V1.9
Add "mode 3" option to the "GPS/WiFi order" field.
This mode brings the option for the users who don’t need GPS real time coordinate during the B03 time interval uploading.
2. Fix bug of SOS#3 display error when this SOS#3 field is empty
3. Add "pre-alarm delay" field to " Fall Down Settings"/"Tilt Settings"/"No Movement Settings"
The user is able to configure delay time before the pre-alarm ring is triggered.
4. Modify "Alarm action"
The user is able to define each SOS numbers alarm actions independently (Q3 model firmware V1.13 or above)
Release date: June 21, 2023
Standard vesion: V1.8
1.Fix 'can't save the TCP mode from UDP mode' bug.
Release date: May 26, 2023
Standard vesion: V1.7
1.Add 'Pre-alam' field to the No Movement Settings
2.Revise some descriptions
Release date: Feb 27, 2023
Standard vesion: V1.6
1. Add "Close" option to the "Mode" field. This option suitable for the users who only need the SMS. All GPRS function will be closed, no time interval, no GPRS alarm to the server or APP. Better for the device power saving.

2. Add "SMS Header" menu, the user is able to define the SMS alarm message header now.

3. Add "Geo-Fence" menu, the user can set up the Geo-Fence with the parameter tool now.